In this lesson, you will configure, build, and flash your device’s firmware so that your device can communicate with AWS IoT Core. To do this, you must configure your device with your local Wi-Fi credentials and your AWS IoT endpoint’s URL.
Establishing a secure MQTT connection is simplified with the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C and the Microchip ATECC608 Trust&GO pre-provisioned, secure hardware certificates. With the secure element, you do not need to retrieve certificates from AWS IoT Core or generate your own to connect. The connectivity libraries in the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C simplify connectivity and access to AWS IoT services and features.
Your source code configuration is handled through Kconfig . The Linux kernel also uses the Kconfig configuration system to simplify their configuration options ( symbols ) into a tree structure.
Complete the following steps to open the KConfig menu:
pio run --environment core2foraws --target menuconfig
Complete the following steps to configure your local Wi-Fi when the Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration window appears:
You are now ready to build (compile) and upload the Blinky Hello World firmware. This is the same process that you performed during the Getting Started tutorial.
pio run --environment core2foraws
pio run --environment core2foraws --target upload --target monitor
file, and follow the instructions there to manually set the upload port.In this lesson, you successfully compiled the firmware updates, flashed your device, and monitored its serial outputs. Your Core2 for AWS then used the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C to authenticate with the MQTT message broker (AWS IoT Core. Your device is ready to receive messages.
You are now ready to control the LEDs on the side of your device. Continue to Blinking the LEDs .
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