Getting Started

Welcome to the M5Stack Core2 for AWS IoT Kit (Core2 for AWS) tutorial series. This series presents smart home solutions that control some of the Core2 for AWS onboard peripherals. To complete these exercises, you need the M5Stack Core2 for AWS IoT Kit device. We designed each exercise in the series to be completed in about an hour.

To complete these exercises, you use can use either Espressif’s ESP RainMaker™ smartphone application (through iOS or Android), or their command line utility. The Getting Started exercise helps you to prepare your environment and install required software.

These tutorials do not require an AWS account. They are intended to quickly demonstrate an embedded application that is enriched by connectivity to AWS IoT. The solutions you create use the ESP RainMaker platform, which is powered by AWS, to provide a customizable smart home application without managing the infrastructure. There is no additional cost to using the Rainmaker Platform.

You must complete the Getting Started exercise before attempting the others. Afterward, you can complete the exercises in the series in any order, or only complete the ones that most interest you.

To begin, continue to Setup Your Environment .

Questions? Please use AWS re:Post

AWS IoT Kit now features direct access to AWS re:Post , which is a community-driven, questions-and-answers service. Search re:Post using the AWS IoT Kit tag to see if your question has been asked and answered. If not, ask a new question using the AWS IoT Kit tag.