
We hope that you enjoyed connecting your Core2 for AWS to AWS, and deploying a simple application that detected room occupancy and controlled a fictitious HVAC system.

If you would like additional ideas for experimentation, think of ways to enhance the customer experience. For example, how could you update the solution so that the HVAC settings stay engaged for a minimum of time, instead of turning off after 10 seconds when no ambient noise is detected? How could you achieve this without pushing new code to your device? (You can do it!)

Clean up

In this solution, you created the following resources in AWS:

  • AWS IoT rule
  • IAM roles
  • IoT Events input and detector model

None of these resources incur ongoing metered charges just by existing. You only incur charges when the resources are used to process new messages from your device. If you proceed with the next hands-on tutorial Smart Spaces , do not remove any of the resources from this tutorial. If you will take a break between tutorials, simply turn off your device (hold the power button for six seconds) to prevent it from continuing to publish messages to AWS.

If you have finished experimenting with this tutorial’s solution and do not intend to explore the Smart Spaces tutorial, you can remove these resources:

  1. Navigate to AWS IoT Core , expand Act, choose Rules, find your rule in the list and delete it.
  2. Navigate to AWS IoT Events , choose Detector models, find your model in the list and delete it.
  3. Continue in AWS IoT Events, choose Inputs, find your input in the list and delete it.
  4. Navigate to AWS IAM console, choose Roles, find the roles you made for your IoT Core rules and IoT Events detector, and delete them.
  5. Connect your Core2 for AWS to your host machine and make sure that it’s on.
  6. Open the Smart-Thermostat folder in VS Code.
  7. Open a PlatformIO terminal window and issue the following command to erase the device’s firmware.
pio run --environment core2foraws --target erase

Please consider continuing on your journey with your Core2 for AWS. On to Smart Spaces !

Questions? Please use M5Stack Forum

AWS IoT Kit now features direct access to M5Stack Forum , which is a community-driven, questions-and-answers service. Search re:Post using the Core2 for AWS tag to see if your question has been asked and answered. If not, ask a new question using the Core2 for AWS tag.